How to Enable Data Saver in Spotify App?

If you are looking for ways to save your mobile data while streaming your favorite music on Spotify, then don’t worry as in this quick Spotify tutorial, I will show you how to enable data saver on the Spotify app.

Enabling “Data Saver” will help you to stream music at a lower quality and thus will save mobile data.

Depending on your usage, you may choose to use different audio quality settings. For example, while using a Wi-Fi connection, you might want to use a higher streaming quality than when you are using your mobile internet data.

How to Enable Data Saver in Spotify App?

Step 1: Launch the Spotify App from your mobile phone.

How to Enable Data Saver in Spotify App?

Step 2: Click the Home button in the bottom right corner of your Spotify app screen and then quickly tap on the Settings (gear icon) in the top right corner of the mobile screen.


Step 3: Next, you need to tap on the toggle switch next to “Data Saver“. Doing this will let you stream the music at a lower quality (24 kbit/s), and will also turn off the Spotify app’s artist canvases features. You can toggle on or off the “Data Saver” option as desired.


So this is how to enable the data saver option in the Spotify app. Please bear in mind that the quality of the music will go down and your mobile data consumption will decrease. Once you want to increase the quality of the music, simply toggle back the “Data Saver” option.

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