How to Clean MacBook Keyboard

As someone who uses their laptop on a daily basis, it’s important to make sure that it is clean and well-maintained.

This is especially true for the keyboard, as it can easily collect dust, dirt, and other debris.

Not only does a dirty keyboard look unappealing, but it can also affect the performance of your laptop.

In this article, I’ll go over the steps for cleaning a MacBook keyboard to help you keep your device in top condition.

By regularly cleaning your keyboard, you can extend the lifespan of your laptop and ensure that it’s working at its best.

Gather supplies

Before you start cleaning your MacBook keyboard, it’s important to gather all of the necessary supplies.

This will make the process smoother and more efficient. Here are the supplies you’ll need:

Microfiber Cloth:

This is the most important item you’ll need for cleaning your keyboard.

A microfiber cloth is gentle on surfaces and effective at removing dirt and debris.

It’s also important to use a dry cloth, as water can damage the keys on your keyboard.

Compressed Air (optional):

If you have visible debris stuck between the keys on your keyboard, you may want to use compressed air to remove it.

Be careful not to use too much air, as it can push the debris further into the keyboard.

Water and Mild Soap (optional):

If you need to do a deeper clean of your keyboard, you may want to create a cleaning solution by mixing a small amount of water and mild soap.

Be sure to use a very small amount of soap and only dampen a corner of your microfiber cloth with the solution.

You don’t want to get the keys too wet, as this can damage the keyboard.

Once you have all of your supplies ready, you can move on to the next step: turning off and unplugging your MacBook.

This is an important safety precaution to prevent any risk of electrical shock or damage to the device.

Turn off and unplug the MacBook

Before you begin cleaning your MacBook keyboard, it’s important to turn off the device and unplug it.

This is a crucial safety precaution to prevent any risk of electrical shock or damage to the laptop.

To turn off your MacBook, click on the Apple menu in the top left corner of the screen and select “Shut Down.”

Once the computer has fully powered off, unplug it from any power source.

If you have a removable battery, you may also want to remove it to be extra cautious.

By taking the time to turn off and unplug your MacBook, you can clean the keyboard with peace of mind knowing that the device is fully powered down and safe.

Remove any debris from the keyboard

Once you’ve turned off and unplugged your MacBook, the next step is to remove any debris from the keyboard.

This can include dust, crumbs, and other small particles that have accumulated between the keys.

To remove the debris, you can use either a microfiber cloth or compressed air. If you’re using a cloth, gently run it over the keys to pick up any visible dirt or dust.

If you have debris stuck between the keys, you can use a small, soft-bristled brush to gently loosen it.

Be careful not to push the debris further into the keyboard.

If you’re using compressed air, hold the can upright and spray it over the keys in short bursts.

Be careful not to use too much air, as it can push the debris further into the keyboard and potentially damage the device.

By removing any visible debris from the keyboard, you’ll be able to clean it more effectively and ensure that all of the keys are clean.

Deep clean the keyboard

Once you’ve removed any visible debris from the keyboard, you can move on to deep cleaning the keys.

If your keyboard is particularly dirty or sticky, you may want to create a cleaning solution by mixing a small amount of water and mild soap.

To use the cleaning solution, dampen a corner of your microfiber cloth with it.

Gently wipe the cloth over the keys, taking care not to allow any liquid to seep into the keyboard.

You don’t want to soak the keys, so be sure to use a very small amount of cleaning solution.

Wipe the keys until they are clean, and then use a dry corner of the microfiber cloth to remove any excess liquid from the keys.

Be sure to dry the keys thoroughly before moving on to the next step. You don’t want any moisture remaining on the keyboard, as it can cause damage.

By deep cleaning the keys, you’ll be able to remove any stuck-on dirt or grime and leave your MacBook keyboard looking clean and refreshed.

Allow the keyboard to dry

After you’ve finished cleaning your MacBook keyboard, it’s important to allow the keys to dry completely before turning the device back on.

To do this, leave the MacBook open with the keyboard facing down to allow any remaining liquid to drain out.

You should also give the keyboard plenty of time to dry before turning the MacBook back on.

This is especially important if you used a cleaning solution, as you don’t want any moisture to remain on the keyboard.

A good rule of thumb is to wait at least 20-30 minutes before turning the MacBook back on.

By allowing the keyboard to dry completely, you’ll be able to ensure that it’s safe to use and that there is no risk of damage to the device.

Once the keyboard is dry, you can close the MacBook and turn it back on as you normally would.

By following these steps, you can effectively and safely clean your MacBook keyboard and keep it in top condition.

Regular cleaning can help extend the lifespan of your laptop and improve its performance, so be sure to make it a part of your routine.


In conclusion, regularly cleaning the keyboard of your MacBook is an important part of maintaining the health and performance of the device.

By removing dirt, debris, and stuck-on grime, you can help extend the lifespan of your laptop and ensure that it’s working at its best.

By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can effectively and safely clean your MacBook keyboard.

From gathering the necessary supplies to allowing the keyboard to dry completely, each step is important in maintaining the health and performance of your laptop.

So, don’t neglect your keyboard! By taking the time to clean it regularly, you can keep your MacBook in top condition and enjoy using it for years to come.