How to Dictate on Mac

Have you ever wished that you could type faster or that you had a personal assistant to take care of your typing needs? With the dictation feature on Mac, you can do just that!

Dictation is a built-in feature on all Mac devices that allows you to use your voice to input text.

This can be a huge time-saver and can help to reduce the strain on your hands and wrists from typing.

In this article, I’ll explore how to set up and use dictation on your Mac, as well as some advanced features and tips to get the most out of this handy tool.

Whether you’re a busy student, a prolific writer, or just someone who wants to be more efficient with their computer, dictation on Mac is worth checking out.

Setting up dictation on your Mac

One of the great things about dictation on Mac is that it’s easy to set up and get started.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Access the dictation feature in System Preferences. To get started, click on the Apple logo in the top left corner of your screen and select “System Preferences.” Then, click on the “Keyboard” icon and select the “Dictation” tab.
  2. Set the input source to dictation. In the “Dictation” tab, you’ll see an option to turn on dictation. Simply check the box next to “Enable the dictation keyword phrase” and choose a keyboard shortcut that you want to use to activate dictation. We recommend using something easy to remember, like “Command + Shift + D.”
  3. Choose a language for dictation. By default, dictation on Mac uses the same language as your system language. However, you can choose a different language for dictation by clicking on the “Language” dropdown menu and selecting your desired language. This is especially useful if you frequently switch between languages or if you want to dictate in a language that is different from your system language.

That’s it! You’re now ready to start dictating on your Mac.

In the next section, we’ll go over how to actually use dictation and some tips for speaking clearly and accurately.

Dictating text

Now that you’ve set up dictation on your Mac, it’s time to start using it to input text.

There are two main ways to activate dictation: using a keyboard shortcut or the dictation command.

Activating dictation with a keyboard shortcut

If you’ve set up a keyboard shortcut for dictation (as described in the previous section), simply press the designated keys to activate dictation.

You’ll see a small microphone icon appear on your screen to indicate that dictation is active.

You can then start speaking and the dictated text will appear in the active text field.

To stop dictation, press the keyboard shortcut again or click on the microphone icon.

Activating dictation with the dictation command

You can also activate dictation using the dictation command “Start Dictation” or “Start Dictation Mode.”

To do this, click on the text field where you want to input text and then say “Start Dictation” or “Start Dictation Mode.”

You’ll see the microphone icon appear on your screen to indicate that dictation is active.

You can then start speaking and the dictated text will appear in the active text field.

To stop dictation, say “Stop Dictation” or “End Dictation Mode,” or click on the microphone icon.

Tips for speaking clearly and accurately

To get the best results with dictation, it’s important to speak clearly and enunciate your words.

Here are a few tips to help you achieve accurate dictation results:

  • Speak at a natural pace and volume.
  • Pause briefly between sentences and clauses.
  • Avoid mumbling or speaking too quickly.
  • Use clear, concise language and avoid unnecessary filler words.

Editing and formatting dictation results

Once you’ve finished dictating, you may need to make some edits or formatting changes to the text.

To do this, you can use your mouse or keyboard to move the cursor and make changes as you would with any other typed text.

You can also use dictation commands to edit and format text.

For example, you can say “Delete that” to delete the last thing you dictated, or “Bold that” to make the selected text bold.

A full list of dictation commands is available in the “Dictation Commands” window, which you can access by clicking on the “Dictation Commands” button in the “Dictation” tab of System Preferences.

With these tips and techniques, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a dictation pro on your Mac.

In the next section, we’ll explore some advanced dictation features that you can use to take your dictation skills to the next level.

Advanced dictation features

Now that you know the basics of dictation on Mac, it’s time to delve into some of the more advanced features that can help you get even more out of this handy tool.

Using dictation with third-party apps and services

One of the great things about dictation on Mac is that it’s not limited to just the built-in apps and services on your device.

You can use dictation with a wide variety of third-party apps and services, including text editors, productivity tools, and more.

To use dictation with a third-party app, simply open the app and activate dictation as you would with any other app on your Mac.

Customizing dictation commands

In addition to the built-in dictation commands, you can also create your own custom commands to suit your needs.

To do this, go to the “Dictation Commands” window in System Preferences and click on the “Add Command” button.

You can then specify the command phrase and the action that you want the command to perform.

This can be a great way to streamline your workflow and save time when using dictation.

Using the “enhanced dictation” feature for offline dictation

If you have a Mac with an internet connection, you can use the “enhanced dictation” feature to dictate offline.

This allows you to dictate without an internet connection, which can be handy if you’re in a location with poor internet connectivity or if you want to save on data usage.

To use the enhanced dictation feature, go to the “Dictation” tab in System Preferences and check the box next to “Use Enhanced Dictation.”

Keep in mind that enabling this feature will take up additional storage space on your Mac, as it requires downloading a large amount of data.

With these advanced dictation features, you can customize your dictation experience and make it work for you in a variety of situations.

Whether you’re using dictation to input text on your Mac, dictate notes on the go, or streamline your workflow, these advanced features can help you get the most out of this powerful tool.


In this blog, we’ve explored the many benefits and features of dictation on Mac.

We’ve covered how to set up dictation on your Mac, how to activate and use dictation to input text, and some advanced features that can help you get the most out of this handy tool.

To summarize, dictation on Mac is a powerful and convenient way to input text using your voice.

It can save you time, reduce strain on your hands and wrists, and help you be more productive.

Whether you’re a busy student, a prolific writer, or just someone who wants to be more efficient with their computer, dictation on Mac is worth trying out.

So if you haven’t already, give dictation a try and see how it can improve your productivity.

With a little practice and some customization, you’ll be dictating like a pro in no time.

So, it is really a handy tool that can be very helpful in your daily life.