How to Open Terminal on Mac

Terminal is a powerful tool for controlling and interacting with your computer.

It allows you to access and execute commands on your system directly, rather than using a graphical user interface (GUI).

Terminal can be particularly useful for developers, system administrators, and advanced users who want to automate tasks or access advanced features of their system.

To use Terminal, you will need some basic knowledge of computer systems and how to use the command line.

If you are not familiar with these concepts, don’t worry!

There are plenty of resources available online to help you get started. With some practice and patience, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of Terminal.

In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get started with Terminal on a Mac.

We’ll go over how to open Terminal, some basic commands you can try, and more advanced uses for Terminal.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, you’ll find something useful in this guide.

So let’s dive in and start exploring the world of Terminal!

How to open Terminal

There are several ways to open Terminal on a Mac:

Through the Dock:

  • Open the Dock by clicking on the thin bar at the bottom of your screen (or by moving your cursor to the bottom of the screen if the Dock is set to auto-hide)
  • Locate the Terminal icon in the Dock and click on it.

Through Finder:

  • Open Finder by clicking on the Finder icon in the Dock or by pressing Command + Space and typing “Finder”
  • Click on “Applications” in the sidebar on the left
  • Scroll down and locate the Terminal app in the list, then double-click on it to open it.

Through Spotlight:

  • Press Command + Space to open Spotlight
  • Type “Terminal” and press Enter.

No matter which method you use, Terminal will open in a new window.

You should see a command prompt, where you can start entering commands.

With these methods, you should be able to easily open Terminal on your Mac whenever you need it.

In the next section, we’ll take a look at some basic commands you can try in Terminal.

Basic commands

Now that you’ve opened Terminal, it’s time to start using some basic commands.

Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • `pwd`: Print the current working directory (i.e. the folder you are currently in)
  • `ls`: List the files and directories in the current working directory
  • `cd`: Change the current working directory to a different folder
  • `mkdir`: Create a new directory
  • `touch`: Create a new empty file
  • `open`: Open a file or directory in the default application

Try typing these commands one at a time and see what happens.

For example, you could try pwd to see what folder you are currently in, or ls to see a list of the files in that folder.

You can also try using some options with these commands to modify their behavior.

For example, you could use the -l option with ls to show more detailed information about the files and directories.

Remember that you can always use the man command to read the manual for a specific command, or use online resources to look up more information.

The best way to learn is by experimenting and trying out different commands.

Here’s an example of how you might use some of these basic commands in Terminal:

$ pwd
$ ls
Applications  Desktop  Documents  Downloads  Movies  Music  Pictures  Public
$ cd Documents
$ pwd
$ ls
Resume.doc  budget.xlsx  essay.txt  notes.txt
$ mkdir newfolder
$ ls
Resume.doc  budget.xlsx  essay.txt  notes.txt  newfolder
$ touch newfile.txt
$ ls
Resume.doc  budget.xlsx  essay.txt  newfile.txt  notes.txt  newfolder
$ open newfile.txt

In the next section, we’ll take a look at some more advanced uses for Terminal.

Advanced usage

While the basic commands we covered in the previous section will get you started with using Terminal, there is much more that you can do with it.

Here are a few examples of more advanced usage:

  • Writing scripts: You can use Terminal to write scripts in languages like Bash or Python. These scripts allow you to automate tasks or perform complex operations with a single command.
  • Modifying system settings: Terminal allows you to access and modify various system settings that are not exposed through the GUI. For example, you can use Terminal to change network settings or install software updates.
  • Accessing remote servers: You can use Terminal to connect to remote servers over a network and execute commands on those servers as if you were working directly on them. This is useful for tasks like managing a web server or working on a team project.

If you’re interested in exploring these more advanced uses for Terminal, there are many resources available online to help you get started. Here are a few suggestions:

  • The macOS man pages: You can use the `man` command in Terminal to access the manual pages for various commands and tools. These pages contain detailed information about how to use the command and what options are available.
  • Online tutorials and documentation: There are many websites and blogs that offer tutorials and documentation on using Terminal. Some good starting points include the official macOS documentation and the Bash documentation.
  • Books and online courses: If you prefer more structured learning, you might consider purchasing a book or enrolling in an online course on Terminal and command line usage.

With these resources and a bit of practice, you’ll be able to unlock the full power of Terminal and take your skills to the next level.


We’ve covered a lot of ground in this guide to using Terminal on a Mac.

You should now know how to open Terminal, use some basic commands, and explore more advanced uses for the tool.

To summarize:

  • Terminal is a powerful tool for interacting with your Mac directly through the command line
  • You can open Terminal through the Dock, Finder, or Spotlight
  • Some basic commands you can try include `pwd`, ls, `cd`, `mkdir`, and `touch`
  • More advanced uses for Terminal include writing scripts, modifying system settings, and accessing remote servers.

We hope this guide has been helpful and has given you a good starting point for using Terminal.

Remember that the best way to learn is by experimenting and trying out different commands.

So don’t be afraid to play around and see what you can do!

If you have any questions or want to learn more, there are many resources available online to help you out.

We encourage you to continue exploring the capabilities of Terminal and see what you can accomplish.