40 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Book Summaries

Book summaries are invaluable tools for readers to grasp the main ideas of a book quickly, and the AI language model ChatGPT can significantly streamline this process.

This article will explore how ChatGPT can enhance book summary creation.

ChatGPT can facilitate different aspects of a book summary, from summing up the plot to highlighting key themes and characters.

Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts for Fiction Book Summaries

Writing summaries for fiction books requires capturing the plot, characters, and themes effectively. Here are ten prompts to help:

  • “Summarize the plot of [book title].”
  • “Identify the main characters in [book title] and describe their roles.”
  • “Discuss the central themes in [book title].”
  • “Highlight five memorable quotes from [book title] and explain their significance.”
  • “Evaluate the narrative style of [book title] and how it contributes to the story.”

Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts for Non-fiction Book Summaries

Non-fiction book summaries need to encapsulate the primary argument, key concepts, and pertinent data. Here are some prompts:

  • “Summarize the main argument presented in [book title].”
  • “Discuss the key concepts introduced in [book title].”
  • “Highlight any important data or statistics from [book title] and explain their relevance.”
  • “Discuss the author’s perspective as conveyed in [book title].”
  • “Evaluate the structure and organization of [book title].”

Related: ChatGPT Prompts for Fundraising

Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts for Biography and Autobiography Summaries

Summarizing biographies and autobiographies requires highlighting significant events, themes, and impacts of a person’s life. Here are some prompts:

  • “Summarize the life of the person profiled in [book title].”
  • “Highlight significant events in [book title].”
  • “Discuss the overarching themes in [book title].”
  • “Evaluate the writing style of the author in [book title].”
  • “Analyze the impact of the person’s life and work as presented in [book title].”

Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts for Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Summaries

Science fiction and fantasy book summaries should capture the world-building, plot, and characters. Here are some prompts:

  • “Summarize the world-building in [book title].”
  • “Identify the main characters in [book title] and their roles in the world.”
  • “Discuss the plot of [book title].”
  • “Highlight the central themes in [book title].”
  • “Evaluate the magic system or technology as presented in [book title].”

Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts for Mystery and Thriller Book Summaries

Mystery and thriller book summaries should encapsulate the suspense, plot, and key twists. Here are some prompts:

  • “Summarize the premise of [book title].”
  • “Identify the main characters in [book title] and their roles in the story.”
  • “Highlight key twists and turns in [book title].”
  • “Discuss the resolution and its build-up in [book title].”
  • “Evaluate the author’s suspense-building techniques in [book title].”

Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts for Historical Fiction Book Summaries

Historical fiction summaries should present the historical context, plot, and themes. Here are some prompts:

  • “Summarize the historical context of [book title].”
  • “Discuss the plot of [book title] within this historical context.”
  • “Highlight key historical figures or events featured in [book title].”
  • “Discuss the main themes in [book title].”
  • “Evaluate the historical accuracy of [book title].”

Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts for Self-Help Book Summaries

Self-help book summaries should reflect the main premise, key advice, and the author’s qualifications. Here are some prompts:

  • “Summarize the main premise of [book title].”
  • “Discuss key advice or strategies given in [book title].”
  • “Highlight memorable quotes from [book title] and their significance.”
  • “Discuss the author’s qualifications as presented in [book title].”
  • “Evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of the advice in [book title].”

Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts for Business and Economics Book Summaries

Summaries for business and economics books should capture the main arguments, key concepts, and relevant case studies. Here are some prompts:

  • “Summarize the main argument of [book title].”
  • “Discuss key concepts and models introduced in [book title].”
  • “Highlight important case studies from [book title].”
  • “Discuss the author’s perspective on current economic or business trends as presented in [book title].”
  • “Evaluate the implications of [book title] for the business world.”


ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool for crafting diverse and engaging book summaries.

By leveraging these prompts, you can ensure you’re capturing the essence of a book quickly and effectively.

Start experimenting with these prompts today to enhance your book summary creation process.